- Acid precipitation
- Aerosols
- Atmospheric changes
- Biofuels and alternatives
- Carbon sequestration
- Carbon tax
- Clean technologies
- Climate change and heath issues
- Climate change modelling and simulations
- Climate networks (oceans, regions, forests, etc.)
- Climatic events
- Coupled ocean-atmosphere systems
- Deforestation
- Earth sciences
- Ecology
- Ecology and Social Change
- Ecological, Human and Social Changes
- Ecosystems and biodiversity
- Energy policies and strategies
- Energy quality and security
- Energy technologies
- Engineering tools
- Environment policies and strategies
- Environment quality and security
- Environment technologies
- Environmental education and training
- Exergetic improvements
- Food and agriculture
- Forestry
- Global earth observations
- Global economics
- Global environment
- Global policies
- Global warming modelling and simulations
- Green design and manufacturing
- Green energy
- Greenhouse gases
- Human Ecology and Social Change
- Human health and welfare issues
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Hurricanes and catastrophic events
- Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies
- Hydrological cycles
- Information technology
- Measurement techniques and data management
- Nuclear energy and technologies
- Oceans and global warming
- Policy and strategy development
- Renewables
- Smog
- Social Change, Ecology and Climate
- Social ecology, human behavior and social change
- Social-Ecological Systems
- Solid and municipal wastes
- Space and atmospheric applications
- Stratospheric ozone depletion
- Sustainable development
- Sustainable environment and health
- Thermal pollution
- Urban and regional planning
- Volcanoes and volcanic events
- Waste management
- Water and water issues
- Weather forecasts and scenarios