International Conference on Virology(ICV), which will be held at New Delhi,India, on 08th Mar 2025.
International Conference on Virology will serve as an excellent platform to world-renowned scholars to garner and share experiences of COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences on public health, commerce and civic discourse. It offers a wonderful opportunity for all the stake holders to collaborate with each other and make lasting connections that will enhance network and research goals. We hope this conference will help in discovering new avenues in research.
CONNECT and ENGAGE with >200.000 SCHOLARS in Asia and Australia and still growing UP.
Authors are instructed to follow the below guidelines for submission of the abstract.
Steps to follow for your Abstract & Full Paper Submission
Once you prepared your abstract according to the above guidelines,
Submit your Abstract & Full Paper via online Submission or Email your Abstract or Full Paper to
After submission, you will receive an acknowledgment of the receipt of your abstract & Full Paper via an email, within three working days.
If you do not hear back from us, Please feel free to write to us immediately at
*These programs are subject to change. Final conference program will be sent to all participants on April 25, 2021.